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Level 2 Teaching Assistants 2 posts

This vacancy is: Linked to funding for children

Hours: 20 hours per week term time only, 8.30am to 12.30pm daily, fixed term contract

Salary: Grade 4 Scale Point 6-7 Actual Salary £11,109 to £11,296

 (FTE £23,893 to £24,294 per annum) pay award pending

Location: Sankey Valley St James’ CE Primary School, Dorchester Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1XE

Closing Date: Mid-day Friday 27th September 2024

Tel: 01925 659307

Headteacher: Deb Feltham

Required: 2 X Level 2 Teaching Assistants

Weekly hours: 20 hours

The Governors wish to appoint 2 enthusiastic, outstanding 1-1 NVQ Level 2 Teaching Assistants who have experience of providing 1 to 1 support and to support Key Stage two pupils with additional needs.

Each post is fixed term to support 2 children, each with funding. The posts will end when either the child/children leave school or no longer require your support or the funding is reviewed, whichever is the sooner.

Main purpose:

To supervise and provide particular support for a pupil, under the direction/instruction of teaching &/or senior staff, inclusive of specific individual learning needs, enabling access to learning for all pupils and assistance and support in classroom management.

The job description, person specification, privacy notice and application form are available from the school website at: https://www.sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk/warrington/primary/svsj

Completed application forms should be returned to the school by post or email, addressed to the Headteacher by mid-day on Friday 27th September 2024.  The email address is office@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk

Visits to the school are welcome and encouraged please phone the school office on 01925 659307 to make an appointment. 

We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and each other. The successful applicant will be required to apply for enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Further details can be found on www.homeoffice.gov.uk/dbs

The post is subject to enhanced DBS clearance and satisfactory pre-employment checks.

Closing date:   Mid-day on Friday 27th September 2024      

Provisional interview date week beginning: Monday 30th September 2024

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After School Provision Play Worker


After School Provision Play Worker – Sankey Valley St James’ CE Primary School

This vacancy is: permanent

Hours: 12.5 hours per week term time only, 3.00pm to 5.30pm daily

Salary: Grade 3 Scale Point 4-5 Actual Salary £6,544- £6,653

 (FTE £23,114 to £23,500 per annum) pay award pending

Location: Sankey Valley St James’ CE Primary School, Dorchester Road, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 1XE

Closing Date: Mid-day Friday 27th September 2024

Tel: 01925 659307

Headteacher: Deb Feltham

Weekly hours: 12.5 hours

The Governors wish to appoint an enthusiastic person to work in our after school provision Connect Club.

Main purpose: To supervise and provide support for children, under the direction/instruction of senior staff.

Duties include:

  • Collecting children attending the provision from their classroom
  • Supervising the children whilst in the provision
  • Undertake appropriate activities with the children
  • Preparing and supervising snack

The job description, person specification, privacy notice and application form are available from the school website at: https://www.sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk/warrington/primary/svsj

Completed application forms should be returned to the school by post or email, addressed to the Headteacher by mid-day on Friday 27th September 2024.  The email address is office@sankeyvalleystjames.org.uk

Visits to the school are welcome and encouraged please phone the school office on 01925 659307 to make an appointment. 

We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and each other. The successful applicant will be required to apply for enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Further details can be found on www.homeoffice.gov.uk/dbs

The post is subject to enhanced DBS clearance and satisfactory pre-employment checks.

Closing date:   Mid-day on Friday 27th September 2024      

Provisional interview date week beginning: Monday 30th September 2024

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