Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thomason

Welcome to Year 2

My name is Mrs L Thomason and I am the Year 2 class teacher and Mrs P Lloyd is our Teaching Assistant.

In Year 2 we work hard every day learning new and exciting things. We also have the opportunity to go on a one night residential to Fox Howl where we have the chance to explore the forest, make dens, sing songs around the camp fire and experience learning outdoors in a fantastic environment.

English and Maths

We have English and Maths every day and enjoy using iPads and games to support our learning.

In English we look at a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry throughout the year. We continue to develop our handwriting and are working towards joined handwriting towards the end of the year. The children take part in four Guided Reading sessions a week and also read individually at least once a week to an adult.

In Maths we build on the Maths skills from Year 1 and use them in a variety of contexts. The children regularly explore problem solving and reasoning activities.

Afternoon Learning

In the afternoons we focus our learning Science, Computing, R.E., History, Geography, Music, P.E and PSHE.  Each week we have a specialist P.E. teacher, Mr Standing, who leads a PE lesson. We have lots of fun completing Art, Design and Technology units, which support our topics.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.

Mrs Thomason

Files to Download

Year 2: Calendar items