Nursery and Reception (Early Years Foundation Stage)

Mrs Lynskey - Nursery

Mrs Miller
Reception Teacher and Foundation Stage Lead

Miss McDonagh
Reception Teacher

Mrs Keates
Teaching Assistant
Ms Mak
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Loeb
Teaching Assistant
Our Foundation Stage consists of Nursery and Reception. Nursery consists of provision for 2 year olds and those children that are 3 and 4 years old. Children start Reception during the academic year that they are 5 years old. All of our teaching is centred around the children’s own interests and we strive to create a happy, exciting, safe place for our children to investigate and learn through play. We have an optional uniform of a purple school polo shirt and black tracksuit bottoms for Nursery.
Through our curriculum we want to create an environment where everyone matters and where each child becomes a caring, confident and curious young person who has a passion for learning and a love for life. By the time they leave Sankey Valley St James we want them to have achieved both personal and academic skills so that they are able to be the best they can be.