Physical Education


Our Vision

Our vision in PE is to provide a PE curriculum which enables all children to develop their resilience, confidence and create positive relationships with physical activity for life. We want our children to be active and to have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy. Our curriculum creates ambition for every child through a range of physical activity and sport.

PE Aims

We are committed to providing high-quality physical education that encourages all students to be active, engaged, and confident in their physical abilities. To ensure our pupils receive expert teaching and guidance, we partner with Warrington Sports Academy, a trusted provider of professional PE instruction. Mr. Standing, alongside class teachers, brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to our PE lessons, delivering a diverse curriculum that includes a wide range of sports and activities. This partnership enhances our students' skills, teamwork, and physical fitness, while fostering a love for sports that lasts a lifetime. We encourage children to take part in both inter- and intra-school sports events which have enabled us to achieve the Gold School Games Mark for the academic years 2021/22 and 2023/24.

Progression of the PE Curriculum


  • Focus on fundamental movement skills like running, jumping, and balancing.

  • Introduction to simple team games and ball handling.

  • Encouraging participation in basic fitness activities.

Key Stage 1

  • Further development of coordination through games, gymnastics, and dance.

  • Introduction to basic team sports and individual challenges.

  • Emphasis on listening, following instructions, and working together.

Key Stage 2

  • Progression to more complex team sports such as football, basketball, and netball.

  • Introduction to swimming, athletics, and gymnastics.

  • Development of strategies in games and sports, with a focus on competition, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Swimming and water safety

When in Year 3 and Year 4, our children will take part in swimming lessons and work on the following skills:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

  • Use a range of strokes effectively

  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Why is PE so important?

  • We want all of our children to know how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and understand how to keep physically and mentally healthy.

  • We believe that active, healthy children achieve more.

  • Our high quality PE curriculum provides our children with essential life skills such as teamwork, effective communication, democracy, tolerance, all of which contribute to the quality of our children’s lives after they leave primary school.

  • Children are given the opportunity to find what they enjoy and discover their talents

  • Children work on different key abilities during their PE lessons which contribute to the development of the whole child.

  • Children are able to engage in competitive and cooperative physical activities. This enables children to develop resilience to set backs and understand how to evaluate their own success.

  • Physically educated children are able to create positive relationships with physical activity for life.

What do we do to make PE special?

We are very proud of the sporting opportunities and physically active sessions that we offer the children at our school. Children take part in PE lessons, after school clubs, sporting festivals and competitive events. Outdoor education is also an important part of our school experience. Each year, children in Years 5 and 6 are given an opportunity to take part in outdoor activities on a school residential. All year groups are also given the opportunity to take part in forest school sessions. Our 'forest' is a small wooded area at the end of the school field within the boundaries of the school perimeter. The area contains a large shelter, fire pit and an area for food preparation. We also have a mud kitchen, tyre swing, hammock, stage, music area, den building materials and a small open glade. During these sessions, children participate in a wide variety of activities including den building, woodland arts and crafts, use of tools, woodland cooking, fire preparation, planting, tree and animal recognition, conservation and tree climbing. They will also have lots of opportunities to work independently, developing their own ideas and interests.

We believe it is so important to offer a wide range of activities which aim to contribute to the overall education, health and well-being of all children, helping them to lead full and valuable lives by engaging in purposeful and high-quality activity. The recommendation of daily physical activity in schools is 30 minutes per day.

Across the academic year, we rotate the sports available within the extra-curricular programme, which include the following:

  • Yoga

  • Tennis

  • Football

  • Multi-sports

  • Dance

  • Dodgeball

  • Netball

  • Mindfulness

Year 5 and 6 recently took part in a football tournament at Orford Hub with schools across Warrington.

Year 4 took part in a Health and Wellbeing day. Children found out how they can keep their brain happy, played trust games and made rainforest pictures out of fruit and vegetables. Children were very surprised by how much fruit and vegetables they actually liked once they had tried it!

The whole school took part in National Sports Week. During the week, each class took part in different sports including cricket, netball, dodgeball and dance. We finished the week with a KS2 dodgeball competition.

Year 3 and 4 took part in the Warrington Wolves Sky Try Tag Rugby initiative. Children spent time with a coach from Warrington Wolves learning the rules and different tactics. We then competed in a tag rugby festival at Crosfields.

At the end of their dance units, Reception, Year 1, 2, 5 and 6 all performed the dances they had been learning in an assembly for the rest of the school.

How can you support your child at home?

There are lots of way you can support your child’s physical development at home! Take a look at the long term plan to see what your child will be learning in PE this term. Practise the skills linked to the sport such as throwing and catching, balancing and coordination with your child. You can also visit the change4life website for more ways and ideas to stay active.
