Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Carter

Welcome to Year 6

My name is Miss J Carter and I am the class teacher and the teaching assistant is Miss N Harvey and she works with Year 6 all day to help all of the children in Year 6 to reach their full potential.

In Year 6, we try to make learning as engaging and motivating as possible, ensuring that all of our pupils are ready for their journey to high school. The children work very hard to reach their end of year targets, whilst all staff who work alongside them, endeavour to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. 

As Year 6 is the last year in primary school for our children, we aim to develop a greater independence in preparation for the transition pupils will make into Year 7. Children are encouraged to take on extra roles of responsibility in the forms of House Captains and Playground Leaders. Additionally, our Year 6 pupils act as role models to other year groups within the school, demonstrating the school's core values.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo.

Miss J Carter

Files to Download

Year 6: Calendar items