Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Hamilton
Welcome to Year 5
My name is Miss S Hamilton and I am the Year 5 teacher. Mrs Williams is our teaching assistant. As Year 5 are some of the oldest children in the school, we make sure we always set a great example for the younger children and begin to take on more roles and responsibilities around the school. We encourage children to become independent learners who persevere and approach their learning with confidence.
In English, we explore a range of texts and write for a range of audiences and purposes. We develop our sentence structures and look at different techniques to make our writing more effective. In reading, we continue to build on our reading strategies. We spend time developing our inference skills and using the text to give evidence to support our answers. In Maths, we build on learning from previous years by applying methods to numbers up to 1 million. We enjoy spending time working with practical resources to support our problem solving and reasoning skills.
Each afternoon we focus on our R.E., History, Geography, Science, Computing, Art, Music, PSHE and Design & Technology learning. Each half term our unit of work changes and there are often links between some of the subjects.
We have a specialist P.E. teacher, Mr. Standing, who leads our P.E. sessions every Monday and Wednesday. We go swimming for 10 weeks during the Autumn term.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Miss S Hamilton
Files to Download
Year 5: Calendar items
The Magic Flute at Lowry, by Miss Wheeler
Robinwood parents/carers meeting, by Miss Wheeler
Rugby Tournament for some children in Years 5 & 6, by Miss Wheeler