Year 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Callaghan

Welcome to Year 3

My name is Miss R Callaghan and I am the class teacher.  Mrs B Quirk and Mrs C Burrows also work in our class as teaching assistants. 

Our aim in Year 3, is to make the transition across the key stages exciting and fun, whilst encouraging the children to take a real responsibility for their own learning. The children are supported in becoming more effective and independent learners by developing lots of their skills, as well as learning new ones. 

Each half term in Year 3 there will be a different unit of work which will link some of the subjects together. Some subjects are taught discreetly. You can see all of our different topics by clicking on the 'Curriculum' tab below. In English, we explore a range of texts and write for different purposes. We develop our sentence structures and begin to expand our range of vocabulary, which can help make our writing better. In reading, we focus on building our fluency, by using our phonics to help us work out any tricky words, as well as focusing using our expression when reading. We also spend time each week in developing our retrieval skills and some inference to help us answer questions. In Maths, we build on learning from previous years by applying different methods to help us solve problems or calculations, as well as learning lots of new challenging methods. Lots of our learning is done practically and with lots of visuals to help us understand the problems more.

Throughout the week we focus on our R.E., History, Geography, Science, Computing, Art, Music, PSHE and Design & Technology learning. Each half term our unit of work changes and there are often links between some of the subjects.

We have weekly PE lessons with a specialist teacher as well as their class teacher. Each week, we are also taught music by Miss Wheeler and French by Mrs Burrows, which we absolutely love.

If you have any questions please get in touch.


Miss R Callaghan



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