Keeping Safe Online
Acceptable Use Agreements
At SVSJ we also ask our school community to sign acceptable use agreements, this is so we all aware of and adhere to our very important school online safety rules. You can find them below.
How To Keep Safe Online
Our children use the Internet on a regular basis as a tool for learning. We believe that it is important for children to understand how to stay safe online and we reinforce this through ‘e-safety’ lessons and activities throughout the year.
At home we encourage the children to be supervised when using the Internet. This ensures that the suitability of what they are accessing is monitored. However, there will be times when the children use the Internet unsupervised and they need to know what to do if they stumble across something inappropriate.
Here are some tips and useful links to support you in helping your child become safer online.
Top Tips!
Add parental controls to your Internet settings so that you can choose what your child can/cannot access. See here for more information on how to do this.
Social networking – Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat. Many of these sites and apps have a minimum age limit of 13 so our children should not be using them. They do not provide protection over who the children are communicating with.
Keep your computer in a shared area so that you can all share the exciting things accessible through the Internet. Make sure you talk to your child about their Internet use and make them aware that they can talk to you about anything that they find online.
Make your child aware of what to do if they receive unkind messages. Remember bullies can target children through text messages, emails and social media as well as face to face. Remind your child to be open with you rather than keeping it to themselves. Make sure they only contact people that they know.
Useful Online Safety Websites
Please see below links to useful websites offering advice and information on keeping safe online.
Click on the logos to open the websites in a new window