Happy and Healthy Me
At Sankey Valley St James the wellbeing, health and happiness of our children is incredibly important to us. If, as a pupil, you need someone to speak to you can come and speak to any member of staff that you feel confident talking to.
Please see below, some useful links to webpages which, can offer lots of useful advice and suggestions of activities to stay and feel healthy.

The change4life website has lots of helpful tips to show you how to "eat well, move more, live longer". Follow this link to learn more!

Being physically active is an incredibly important way to keep our body and mind healthy. Follow these links to learn more!
If you wanted to speak to someone other than a parent or member of staff at school about something you are worried about, you can always call Childine on 0800 1111 or click on the link below to go to their website. Here you can find out information about getting help, talking about your feelings, staying safe online and learn how to help a friend.
We provide children with opportunities to take part in a range of physical and mindfulness activities activities to promote happy and healthy lifestyles.