We take great pride in our uniform, details of which can be found below. You can buy your uniform from any shop but it can be purchased from the suppliers below. The school logo is optional.
If you have any queries regarding purchasing via either method please contact the School Office who will be happy to help you.
Touchline (order online, by telephone, email, in-store, or via school)
Touchline is a family run firm supplying plain and customised quality clothing in Warrington, Cheshire.
Items can be purchased directly via their online shop (link below), by telephone, by email, ordered directly in store (where there are items available to try for size). See order form below with current prices.
All items purchased from Touchline come complete with a sewn-in name label free of charge.
Items can be delivered to school free of charge, to your home address (postage charge may apply) or collected from the Touchline store. Delivery times approx 5 working days during winter months to 10 working days during busier summer periods.
Touchline Online Shop:https://www.touchline-embroidery.com/shop-by-school/sankey-valley-st-james-ce-primary-school
Address: Touchline Liverpool Road Warrington WA5 1AE
Touchline Tel: 01925 413777
Enquiries Email:[email protected]
Orders Email: [email protected]
Store Opening Times:
Monday-Friday 9-5pm
Saturday 9-4pm
Please ensure all clothes are clearly labelled. We work with the company https://www.stikins.co.uk/
Who produce affordable stick in labels and help raise money for the school at the same time. Please quote the school code 10140

My Clothing Limited (online only)
We have a school uniform page with My Clothing Limited. This facility allows you to purchase embroidered school uniform e.g. polo shirts, cardigans, sweatshirts, jumpers and jackets, as well as other non-embroidered uniform items e.g. trousers, skirts, shirts with free delivery to your chosen address throughout the year. If you choose to buy your school uniform in this way My Clothing will donate 5% of every purchase to school. This will directly benefit our pupils as we will use the money to support school activities & events.
How to Order:
Please click here to visit our school's My Clothing site;
Click the 'Shop Now button' to view the available items;
Choose the sizes and quantity you'd like, add them to your basket and pay with a debit or credit card at Checkout.
Home delivery within 14 days
All non-branded items, such as shirts, skirts, trousers etc. can also be purchased at any of the leading supermarket chains e.g. Asda, Sainsburys and M&S as well as the 2 listed suppliers above.
We suggest you look around and compare prices to find the best option for your budget.
Boys Uniform
White polo shirt (plain or with school logo)
Purple school sweatshirt (with school logo)
Grey trousers or grey shorts in summer
Black or grey socks
Black school shoes (no trainers, pumps or jelly shoes)
2 & 3 Year Nursery (Optional)
Purple polo shirt with school logo available from Touchline
No extreme hairstyles – such as Mohawk’s, shaved patterns, non-natural colours etc.
Nails should be kept short and neat
Girls Uniform
White polo shirt (plain or with school logo)
Purple school sweatshirt/cardigan (with school logo)
Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore
Purple checked summer dress
White socks, grey or black tights
Black school shoes (no trainers, pumps or jelly shoes)
Head/hair accessories, if worn, should be neat and tidy and in school colours. (No large and obtrusive hair accessories, e.g. big flowers or bows)
2 & 3 Year Nursery (Optional)
Purple polo shirt with school logo available from Touchline
No extreme hairstyles – such as Mohawk’s, shaved patterns, non-natural colours etc.
Nails should be kept short and neat (no acrylics etc.)
PE Kit (indoor)
Black pumps
Black shorts
Your child’s house T-shirt with school logo (either yellow, blue, green or red)
Belong – Blue
Respect - Yellow
Create - Green
Florish - Red
PE bags also available
PE Kit (outdoor)
Black jogging bottoms
Plain sweatshirt
Trainers to be brought in on day of outdoor PE
PE Kit (swimming)
One piece swimming costume for girls
Trunks or swimming shorts for boys
Children may bring swimming hats and/or goggles if parents/carers wish.
Please see above for details on where to purchase our uniform. It is important that clothing and personal items are labelled clearly with their child’s name. The school will not accept responsibility for any lost items.
Children can wear watches, with alarms turned off, and stud earrings (earrings must be removed on PE days. Teachers are unable to do this and we suggest they are removed at home before your child comes to school). No other jewellery is permitted.